41, 2000. Table of Contents.

Cover, Publication Guidelines, Contents page


The Empirical Evidence on the Location Determinants of FDI and South Africa’s Industrial Development Strategy
Judith Streak and Taryn Dinkelman, 1
Judith Streak and Taryn Dinkelman question several of the arguments about foreign direct investment (FDI) in South Africa, and introduce necessary complexity into the debate.

Bridging the Gap between Research and Planning in ‘Sustainable Development’ Projects: lessons from the Wild Coast
JZ Kiepiel and TKC Quinlan, 33
What analytical steps need to be taken to bridge the gap between research and development planning, ask JZ Kiepiel and TKC Quinlan in this contribution based on an environmental case study in the Eastern Cape.

Industrial Policy-Making in the Auto, Textile and Clothing Sectors: labour’s strategic ambivalence
Philip Hirschsohn, Shane Godfrey and Johan Maree, 55
Philip Hirschsohn, Shane Godfrey and Johan Maree examine the role of labour, along with those of state and business, in industrial policy-making in these three important industries.


Financing Regional Development: the role of South African financial institutions
Jens Erik Torp and Vishnu Padayachee, 89
Jens Erik Torp and Vishnu Padayachee focus on the Development Bank of Southern Africa and the Industrial Development Corporation in this commentary on financing within the Southern African Development Community.


Jun Morikawa’s Japan and Africa: big business and diplomacy reviewed by Katsuhiko Kitagawa, 105

Notes on Contributors