Editorial Board and publication guidelines
Living in state housing: expectations, contradictions and consequences
pp. 1-12
Charlotte Lemanski, Sarah Charlton, Paula Meth
New city, new citizens?: A Lefebvrian exploration of state-led housing and political identities in Luanda, Angola
pp. 13-40
Chloé Buire
Top-down low-cost housing supply since the mid-1990s in Maputo: bottom-up responses and spatial consequences
pp. 41-67
Vanessa de Pacheco Melo
‘You make a home out if it, you make a place of it’: some unexpected narratives from a social housing estate in Durban
pp. 68-90
Kira Erwin
Lived experiences of state housing in Johannesburg and Durban
pp. 91-115
Sarah Charlton, Paula Meth
People’s room for manoeuvre in a fragmented city: state housing in Kibera, Nairobi
pp. 116-141
Sophie Schramm
‘It’s not a place I like, but I can live with it’: ambiguous experiences of living in state-subsidised rental housing in inner-city Johannesburg
pp. 142-169
Aidan Mosselson
Sociology in South Africa: colonial, apartheid and democratic forms by Radhamany Sooryamoorthy (review)
pp. 170-175
Geoff Waters
Eskom: electricity and technopolitics in South Africa by Syvly Jaglin, Alain Dubresson (review)
pp. 176-185
Lumkile Mondi
Notes on Contributors
p. 186