Debate on the Harvard Panel’s Economic Policy Proposals for South Africa
Speed Bumps, Speed Limits and Take-offs: An introductory comment on the Fine-Harvard debate
Imraan Valodia, 1-4
Submission to the COSATU Panel of Economists on “The Final Recommendations of the International Panel on Growth” (the Harvard Panel)
Ben Fine, 5-30
Why we still believe exports for jobs will lead to shared growth: A response to Fine’s “Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance”
Ricardo Hausmann, Matt Andrews, 31-65
Rejoinder to “A Response to Fine’s ‘Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance”
Ben Fine, 66-80
Corporate power, society and the environment: A case study of ArcelorMittal South Africa
Andries Bezuidenhout, Jacklyn Cock, 81-105
The ‘Hani Memorandum’ – introduced and annotated
Hugh Macmillan, 106-129
From the national question to the social question
Thandika Mkandawire, 130-160
Book Review Article
Angola: From war to peace
Chris Saunders, 161-172
Book Review
Gaining Ground? ‘Rights’ and ‘Property’ in South African Land Reform (review)
Cherryl Walker, 173-176