Cover, Publication Guidelines, Contents page
Special Issue: Focus on SA Labour Issues
Guest Editor: Miriam Altman and Imraan Valodia
Introduction: Where to for the South African Labour Market? Some ‘Big Issues’
Miriam Altman, Imraan Valodia, 1-5
Tribute to Trevor Bell
Vishnu Padayachee, 6-7
International Perspectives and Parallels
Gosta Edgren, 8-31
Beyond ‘Lean’ Social Democracy: Labour Law and the Challenge of Social Protection
Paul Benjamin, 32-57
Wage Determination in South Africa: What Do We Know?
Miriam Altman, 58-89
Low-waged and Informal Employment in South Africa
Imraan Valodia, Likani Lebani, Caroline Skinner, Richard Devey, 90-126
Beyond the Apartheid Workplace — Studies in Transition (review)
Shaun Ruggunan, 127-132
Notes on Contributors