Cover, Contents page, Notes for Contributors and Editorial Message
Bill Freund introduces the new editorial board, i
Gender, Education and the Transition to Democracy: research, theory and policy in South Africa c. 1980-1998
Linda Chisholm and Elaine Unterhalter, 1
Linda Chisholm and Elaine Unterhalter examine the theoretical and methodological perspectives – which have characterised recent research on education and gender in South Africa and some of the policies informed by these approaches being developed at national and provincial level. They also discuss some of the important silences in this research area and the problems that could arise from these gaps.
Education and Training for the Informal Sector: reflections on an international research project
Simon McGrath, 26
Simon McGrath discusses the results of a review of education and training interventions impacting on the informal sector which was commissioned by the British Government’s then Overseas Development Administration (ODA).
Generational Transition in Union Employment: the organisational implications of staff turnover in COSATU unions
Sakhela Buhlungu, 47
Sakhela Buhlungu examines a new generation of post-apartheid trade union officials’ changing approach to traditional labour traditions, practices and politics.
Trade Policy and Industrial Development in Durban
Imraan Valodia, 72
Imraan Valodia explores the literature on international trade in the context of the city of Durban’s industrialisation over the course of the twentieth century.
Mahmood Mandani responds to Jean Copans’ review of his book, State and Society: contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism
Mahmood Mandani, 97