35, 1998. Table of Contents.

Cover, Publication Guidelines, Contents page


‘Dhlakama E Maningue Nice’: An Atypical Former Guerilla In The Mozambican Electoral Campaign
Michel Cahen, 1
You may or may not agree with many Mozambicans that RENAMO leader Afonso Dhlakama is ‘maningue’ nice but MICHEL CAHEN’s analysis suggests some of the complexities of politics in South Africa’s most populous neighbour. This analysis finally moves the question of foreign intervention away from centre stage in discussions about
Mozambique to focus on internal factors and the dilemmas of nation-building in Africa.

Financing Faster Growth In South Africa: the Case for Reforming the Financial Sector
Chris Edwards, 49
CHRIS EDWARDS in a paper prepared and presented in 1997 blames high interest rates, that cornerstone of Reserve Bank policy, for South Africa’s low growth rate and suggests an alternative approach to current government financial ideas.

Fishing In A Sea Of Sharks: Reconstruction And Development in the South African Fishing Industry
Bjorn Hersoug, 77
Fishing is a picturesque but in some respects typical part of the South African economy when analysed in terms of power, access and relationship to the state. BJORN HERSOUG reports on the efforts to restructure this industry to make it more open to the population as a whole while continuing its prosperity.

Architecture As Empowerment: The Participatory Approach in Contemporary Architecture in South Africa
Sabine Marschall, 125
Transformation in architecture? SABINE MARSCHALL considers how architecture reflects social and material patterns in a society and proposes a more participatory and democratic practice on the part of architects.


MARGREET DE LANGE’s The Muzzled Muse is reviewed by CHRISTOPHER MERRETT.

K DARIAN-SMITH, L GUNNER & S NUTTALL’S Text, Theory and Space is reviewed by JENNY ROBINSON.

Notes on Contributors