27, 1995. Table of Contents.

Cover, Publication Guidelines, Contents page


Privatisation And The RDP: A Critical Assessment
Ben Fine, 1
BEN FINE examines the issue of privatisation in the context of the ANC’s radical shift away from its longstanding commitment to public ownership, and assesses the potential of a privatisation programme as a means of raising revenue for the RDP.

Some Reflections On The Changing Role of Progressive Policy Groups In South Africa: Experiences From the Centre for Health Policy
Max Price, 24
MAX PRICE, using a health NGO as a case study, discusses the changing roles of and new demands upon NGOs, many of which now find themselves sharing the policy views of the government.

One China Or Two? South Africa’s Foreign Policy Dilemma
John Daniel, 35
JOHN DANIEL examines the dilemma confronting the government over China and adopts a cautionary perspective with regard to the recognition of the Peoples Republic of China. He makes a case for dual recognition of the ‘two Chinas’.


The Transition to Democracy in South Africa: Developing a Dynamic Model
Adam Habib, 50
ADAM HABIB critically examines the strengths and weaknesses of the international and domestic ‘transitory to democracy’ literature. He advocates an alternative theoretical model to understand and explain the South African tramition and the prospects for its consolidation.

Exploiting Phumelele Nene: Post Modernism, Intellectual Work and Ordinary Lives
Ari Sitas, 74
ARI SITAS uses the case of Phumelele Nene, formerly a peasant but now an urban resident to expose some of the weaknesses of the post-modern critique.


The Uneven Transition From Apartheid in South Africa
Harold Wolpe, 88
HAROLD WOLPE examines some of the underlying assumptions of the RDP and picks up on some of the issues developed by Adelzadeh and Padayachee.


Southern Africa: Is Structural Reform Viable?
Bill Freund, 102
JOHN SAUL’S Recolonisation and Resistance in Southern Africa in the 1990s is reviewed by BILL FREUND

Amabokoboko Staan Styf, Hoeveel (Australiese) Dollars In Jul Safe?
Gerhard Mare, 105
ALBERT GRUNDLINGH et al’s study Beyond the Try line: Rugby and South African society is reviewed by GERHARD MARE.

Notes on Contributors