18/19, 1992. Table of Contents.

Cover, Publication Guidelines, Contents page, Editorial Preface

Introductory Perspectives

Introduction To The Symposium. Mike Morris, 1

The Research Dilemma

Alec Erwin, 4

Discussion, 9

Research and the State Institutions

Science And Technology In Transformation In South Africa. G.G. Garrett and J.B. Clark, 12

Can The HSRC Join In The Future? Caroline White, 22

Discussion, 32

Research and the Development Institutions

The Urban Foundation: Transformation Possibilities. Dan Smit, 35

Research and the Development Bank Of Southern Africa. Mike Muller, 43

Discussion, 50

Research and the Universities

Research In An Established South African University. Christopher F Cresswell, 52

Research And The Role Of The Historically-Black Universities. Jairam Reddy, 58

Discussion, 64

Intellectuals and Academic Research

Intellectuals And The Politics Of Policy Research. Mala Singh, 66

Research And Racial Domination In South Africa. Sipho Mila Pityana, 72

Women’s Studies and the Women’s Movement. Shireen Hassim and Cherryl Walker, 78

Discussion, 85

University Research and Mass Organisations

The Impact Of Intellectuals On The Labour Movement. Eddie Webster, 88

Harnessing University Research To Serve Mass Organisations. David Lewis, 93

The Centre for Development Studies and the Mass Democratic Movement. Mike Sutcliffe, 99

Discussion, 107

Research Inside Mass Organisations

Research From Inside Mass Organisation: Cosatu/Numsa. Adrienne Bird, 110

Policy Research Inside The African National Congress. Moses Ngoasheng, 115

Discussion, 121

Research and Service Organisations

Research In Service Organisations. Imraan Valodia, 125

Between Two Catastrophes. David Hallowes, 131

Extension Service Work At University. Dave Cooper, 139

Discussion, 147

Education Policy

Policy And Critique In South African Educational Research. Linda Chisholm, 149

The National Educational Policy Initiative. Blade Nzimande, 161

Discussion, 164

Research and Policy Formulation

Determining Priorities: The Case For Essential National Health Research. CC Jinabhai and H M Coovadia, 166

Science Policy Research In South Africa. Ania Grobicki, 172

Language Policy Research In South Africa. Neville Alexander, 175

Discussion, 179

Concluding Perspectives

Marcel Golding, 182

Togbahnah Tipoteh, 185

Abdoule Bathilly, 187

Akilagpa Sawyer, 189

Ernest Wamba-dia-Wamba, 191

Mahmood Mamdani, 193

Notes on Contributors